Fats are good for you.  They give food yummy flavor and help you feel satisfied.  Fats are necessary. Every cell membrane in the body contains fat.  Our brains are made of fat.  Fats aid digestion and have a role in hormone activation and immune function.  The body uses them for energy when glucose is not available. 


Once you are seriously making positive changes to your food plan by eliminating refined carbohydrates, cutting out sugar, and eating more healthy fats you should see some change in weight and body composition.  If not, or if you have a significant amount of weight to lose, you will need to look at the numbers.

10 Keys to Weight Loss and Better Health

For my very first blog post (yeah!) I wanted to give some sound information to help people with the main concern I deal with as a trainer.  Most people want to be healthy and know that carrying around extra weight is a major obstacle. They want to lose the weight and keep it off but can't seem to do it. One of the main reasons is that they simply have the wrong information!